Esther M. Zimmer Lederberg
Northern Mediterranean

The music is Morisco music, found on Iberian Garden, Vol. 1 by Altramar. The piece is Muwashshah: Mā li-l-muwallah, 1113-1198.

This music takes place at the beautiful gardens along the Guadalquiver, near Cordoba. This is during the "convivencia" under Alfonso X (El Sabio - The Wise), the time before Granda fell: when Christians, Moslems and Jews lived at peace with each other. Muwashshah are songs in poetic form, with instrumental interludes in the form of Ibn Bājja (Avempace): 1470-1520. This is Morisco art.

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Northern Mediterranean
Map of the Northern Mediterranean

The Ottomans viewed the world differently than how we currently view the world. Europeans also had a different conception of the world. To be explicit, the Mediterranean was viewed as composed of TWO parts: the Northern Mediterranean and the Southern Mediterranean. The Southern Mediterranean was the Mediterranean we now think of, while the Northern Mediterranean is composed of the North Sea along with the Baltic. Thus the Ottomans thought influencing (invading and occupying) Iceland, Scandinavia, England, Iberia, France, Lundy, Ireland, etc. all the way to Finland, Estonia, and even Russia as quite naturally a part of their extended empire. Thus the Ottomans expected competition from the Hanseatic League in Lubeck, as well as the Russian Empire. click to see. See Lopez, Robert S.; "The Commercial Revolution of the Middle Ages, 950-1350", pp. 20, 95, 106-119, 121


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